Now more than ever it is fundamental for everyone to play their part in the preservation of the environment, and we do it through concrete actions in our winemaking activities. We run a sustainable management of the vineyards and we almost reach complete energy self-sufficiency thanks to a photovoltaic system.
Our wines are produced with certified grapes from sustainable production, following a set of rules aiming to reduce the use of synthetic chemical substances. In fact, we joined the project “VITicoltura Armoniosa”, that recommends a sustainable oriented way to manage vineyards.
Our vineyards are controlled and tracked following the guidelines of the National Quality System of Integral Production (SQNPI).
We implement plant protection using as little as possible products that are impactful on humans and on the environment: we choose them based on their defense’s efficiency, their affordability and their persistency. When possible, we still prefer biological or agronomical techniques which allow us to guarantee the smallest impact possible on the environment. We use indeed chemical products just when strictly required and when there’s no better biologic or agronomic alternative.

Since 2020, we produce enough energy required for the winery’s needs thanks to the installation of a photovoltaic system. In this way, we are contributing to safeguard the environment and avoid CO2 emissions. Here you can see data up to the present:
Produced energy
Environmental benefits

We use corks from a controlled and sustainable industry, a choice of responsibility : with the corks we use every year we receive a certificate from the manufacturer with the calculation of the CO2 avoided thanks to our conscious choice: